
Monday, September 3, 2018

Dating Divorce and Transitional Sex Partners

The dating dilema. One of the most important steps for divorced women in rebuilding their life after divorce is to start dating. It’ll be hard for you too, but the sooner you starting dating, the easier it will be for you to regain your emotional wellbeing. At first, even though you may have to force yourself, you should just go out and associate with other people. See for yourself that other people don't "immediately recognize you" as a divorced woman, a loser or a failure.

In the course of recovering from a painful divorce, you may also discover that it is not unusual for divorced women to go through a number of brief sexual affairs. See, there’s always an upside! With some, there's a flurry of sexual activity, followed by periods of celibacy - and maybe a "special steady" for a while. This kind of activity is really sometimes necessary, and definitely a part of the healing process as some women rebuild their self-esteem.

Almost all people who have gone through a divorce go through at least one transitional partner during their healing process. This is a person that seems to be the answer to all your dreams. They're the "special boyfriends" that ease a divorced woman through the trauma - they're good to them; they listen to them; they're sensitive to their needs but never demanding; and they fulfill their sexual hunger.

It 's great to "find and use" such a transitional partner, but be aware of your own situation and their usefulness to you, and don't allow yourself to end up marrying them. You may care about them a great deal, and feel sure that they're the answer to all your dreams - that they have all the love you could ever ask for - but don't marry them - what you're feeling is only the peace of an oasis in the middle of a desert.

Oh, and don't feel badly when eventually you break off such a relationship. Some people are born to nurture others back to good health, and seeing you on your feet again, and on your way to real happiness is the only reward these people really want. Then too, who's to say that you won't someday be a transitional partner for someone who's hurting just as you once did.

Barry Roche

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Divorce Date — March, 1

 Beddingfield, Chad and Terri Divorce Record: Beddingfield, Chad A. and Beddingfield, Terri ... More marriage & divorce records:...